Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Things You Should Give Up If You want to be successful

Successful people don't make excuses. They get work done and don't let petty circumstances come in the way of achieving their goals. When most people think of success, their mind wanders to the healthy habits and characteristics they need to incorporate into their life. There are certain things that are universal, which will make you successful if you give up on them, even though each one of us could have a different definition of success. Becoming a great giver upper is essential to succeeding at the things that are important to you. Give up the stuff that is holding you back from becoming a great designer.1. Stop saying YES to everything: Successful people know that in order to accomplish their goals, they will have to say NO to certain tasks, activities, and demands from their friends, family, and colleagues. In the short-term, you might sacrifice a bit of instant gratification, but when your goals come to fruition, it will all be worth it.2. Stop Blaming others for your mistakes:"The day you stop blaming others is the day you begin to discover who you are truly."This is likely the most important lesson that you need to learn. You are going to make many mistakes if you attempt anything remarkable. You are going to hurt people, create disappointment and cause confusion and chaos. The best way to make these right is to apologize.The best way to apologize is simply to say, "I'm sorry." No excuses. No drawn-out reasons. Just powerful words and an attitude of sincerity. And when you do, the results are mind-blowing. You solve problems faster, win the confidence of your clients better and make yourself more accessible to everyone around you.3. Stop Expecting life to be fair:"Life is never fair and perhaps it is a good thing for most of us that it is not." - Oscar WildeStop pretending like you're the only one who has bad, unexpected circumstances happen to them. A lot of things that we like to call "unfair" are real outcomes of the decisions that we have made in the past. We make risky decisions and then cry "unfair" when our gamble doesn't turn out with us hitting the jackpot. That's unfortunate because there is a valuable lesson that could be learned if we stopped pouting and started listening.4. Taking Rather Than Giving: From a scarcity perspective, helping other people hurts you because you no longer have the advantage. From an abundance perspective, there is not only one pie, but an infinite number of pies. If you want more, you make more. Thus, helping others actually helps you because it makes the system as a whole better. It also builds relationships and trust and confidence.5. Give Up The Fixed Mindset: Do not let yourself believe that your intelligence and talent are fixed virtues and that your success in life will be based solely on your traits. Successful people know this. They invest an immense amount of time on a daily basis to develop a growth mindset, acquire new knowledge, learn new skills and change their perception so that it can benefit their lives.Remember, who you are today, it’s not who you have to be tomorrow."In the fixed mindset, when you fail; you're Failure - In the growth mindset, when you fail; you're LEARNING."6. Don't multitask: Contrary to what people believe, your brain cannot focus on too many activities at once. Multitasking splits your focus and you end up doing yourself a disservice as you can't commit your full energy and commitment to even a single activity."Multitasking means Screwing Up several things at once."7. Following the crowd:"Don't follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you." - Margaret ThatcherIdiots do stupid things. Sometimes a lot of idiots do the same thing together. The thing you are missing out on are the results of idiot behaviour. Many times your industry is heading is a good direction and it feels safe to follow the leader. But instead of achieving greatness you get the "success leftovers" of everyone else in your industry who gets to the finish line first. Take the time to go your own way. Have an idea of your own. Dedicate yourself to pursuing your own brand of greatness.8. Give Up Fixing Your Weaknesses: We live in a society that emphasizes the need to be well-rounded. Successful people hardly ever tick that box – instead, they know, embrace and manage around their weaknesses. Fixing weaknesses is just another strategy to play safe – playing not to lose instead of playing to win. Change your focus from fixing weaknesses to capitalizing on your strengths – because you will grow the most in your areas of talents."Focus on emphasizing your strengths instead of fixing your weakness."9. Stop Waiting To Start:"Stop waiting for the things to happen, Go out and make them happen."If you don’t purposefully carve time out every day to progress and improve — without question, your time will get lost in the vacuum of our increasingly crowded lives. Before you know it, you’ll be old and withered — wondering where all that time went. There is no degree of “Live your dreams.”. Life is short. Don’t wait for tomorrow for something you could do today. Your future self-will either thank you or shamefully defend you.10. Ignoring Your Vision For Future: No matter where you are right now, you can have any future you want. But one thing is for certain, what you plant you must harvest. So, please plant with intention. Mental creation always precedes physical creation. The blueprint you design in your head becomes the life you build.Don’t let society tell you how your house should look. You are an artist and a creator. Your life can be exactly how you want it, whether or not it’s considered a “mansion” by others. Home is where your heart is. Hold the vision, trust the process."A man without a vision is a man without a future." via /r/business

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