Saturday, September 30, 2017

"how do you pay a good journalist a competitive wage? How do you fund ultra expensive (& economically risky) investigative journalism?"

Well, I have further ideas that tie into that, lemme see if I can put it into steps so I don't prattle on.Embrace AI as the reality of our surroundings in the digital age. Create a synapse to the internet by which we all interact. A demonetized pure interface that analyzes all information from every source. No bias, just recording events and metatagging them down to the root level, organizing everything.This has a drastic effect on the economy and civilization, because now everything is fact and traced. No hidden money in shell companies, because the patterns are clear as day for machines. Humans can't hide money in information, and all money is logged in a manner of speaking. Now, all individuals and businesses are fairly taxxed, leading to a drastic increase of available money.Due to this incredible influx of money, we are able to give universal health care, universal basic income, universal education, universal voting knowledge education, and interface devices for every person.Now, just by living, people give tons of information. We are driven to share data together. We like posting music, hoping to share it with someone who will in turn like it. With these bursts of expression, algorithms can look at everything, and see patterns in people that like things.Like a giant hyper accurate Myers-Briggs, people are sorted and logged, every little "like" filling out this beautiful puzzle. Every little comment is read and saved, the concepts and intentions being saved as well. If you look at peoples' profiles on reddit though snoopsnoo, it kinda looks like what I'm talking about. This account is new, so it doesn't have a great view of me yet, but here:, you can scroll down and see that big box of little boxes. Whenever I post interests, it gets a better idea of me as a whole. But, reddit is led by advertising. All social media is led by advertising, so we must turn it on it's head and rethink business and society.//////////////////// Evolution moment /////////////////////People are instantly sorted into what they like, their drives, their faults. They are led to careers and opportunities that they are naturally good at, in environments where they will flourish.Economy explodes, because suddenly all employees are motivated beyond that which a manager could ever do. There is no advertising, so R&D revenue explodes.With universal basic income, people don't have to work shit jobs to get by, they have their needs met. Their lives are not stressful. There is no need for robbery or murder, as people aren't driven to drastic actions to make ends meet.Innovation explodes across every industry. All people are free to pursue their natural interests. As individuals, we exceed in some ways and are deficient in others, but together, working as a whole, everyone working at what they naturally are good atBusiness flourishes like never before, a pure capitalism. Products must be good, otherwise customers will be led to a better one, because the objective algorithm seeks that which is best for individuals on a case by case basis.I like to think this results in a beautiful global consciousness, where we all start moving towards space exploration, tbh.Anyway, the short answer to your answer is journalists would already have a living wage, and would be seeking the positions and stories best suited for them, because it is what they want to do, and they have the freedom to do it.Edit: I forgot two parts:The Justice. Since she can see all information, she can see intent. She could have seen the Russian connections, for example, clear as day. We would have been notified. All those false accounts would have been nullified, because she would have seen they are not actual people. She will purge people from civil service that seek power, because she can see their person. Political service will be pure, because all data and intent will be seen.And also, for questions from businesses like"But, who will clean the bathrooms?"I say"Fuck you, that's not our problem, invent something that cleans bathrooms, you'll sell one to every business." via /r/business

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