Monday, August 28, 2017

Is anyone else not a fan of these monthly ship-to-home personal care products?

Examples include quip, Lola tampons, and dollar shave club- also blue apron is a similar model. I get that they're convenient but they're way overpriced and use over-reaching ways of product differentiation.Like Lola tampons claims to be different from other tampons because they disclose all it's ingredients, even though they don't lower the risk of diseases like toxic shock syndrome. And I've never worried about big-brand tampons having unsafe ingredients. They probably put a lot of thought into the manufacturing to avoid lawsuitsAnd quip shows off that it's slimmer and prettier than other electric toothbrushes, but it uses batteries instead of charging holder- which is a massive setback imo. Also I really don't think people are bothered by somewhat bulky electric toothbrushes via /r/business

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